
It's George Jetson's Birthday!

Photo: Getty Images

Meet George Jetson.

The Jetsons cartoon TV show started in 1962 and was set in the year 2062 with flying cars that folded into briefcases and robot maids.

Patriarch of the family, George Jetson, was 40 years old in the show, thus born in that far off year of 2022.

July 31, 2022 to be more precise.

So that means that TODAY is George Jetson's birthday!

And even though the Jetsons TV show was produced in the 1960s, many of the everyday items in the show that seemed so futuristic back then are things we have now, like smart watches, flat screen TVs on the wall, moving sidewalks, video calls, virtual assistants, and robot maids (Rosie on the show, Roombas now.)

While we don't yet have flying cars and we're not living in high-rise apartment buildings in the sky, those things could be commonplace 40 years from now and we might all be working at Spacely Sprockets along with George.

12 Cool Technologies ā€œThe Jetsonsā€ Predicted For 2062 That We Have Right Now

photo credits: Getty Images

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